The only one of its kind in France, the higher circus arts course at the Académie Fratellini is based on an educational programme – combining group teaching and personalised technical learning – which alternates between periods of training (60%) and work placement (40%).
Throughout their 3-year course, our young aspiring artists become initiated into the profession by performing within the Académie – in shows and events – or outside in a wide variety of projects (circus, theatre, dance, opera…) led by arts partner teams.
Each students’ project is examined in terms of its educational advantage to the apprentice(s) concerned. These apprentices can then be sent to work with an arts partner team for anything between a few days to several weeks, depending on the nature of the project.
In this way, apprentices can become involved in projects covering all artistic disciplines and perform as a group or individually in performing arts shows in France and abroad.
The Académie Fratellini trains young people from all over the world to become circus artists.
In 3 years, apprentice-artists admitted through a competitive examination are awarded a Diplôme National Supérieur Professionnel d'Artiste de Cirque (DNSP AC) conferring the grade of Licence.
The DNSP AC is part of the European higher education system (Licence-Master-Doctorat) and is registered at level 6 (bac+3) of the Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles (RNCP39409).
This programme prepares trainees for admission into a graduate school, either the Académie Fratellini or another Circus Arts graduate school. At the end of the programme, trainees who successfully audition at the Académie Fratellini join the CFA Circus Arts centre in Year 1 and sign an apprenticeship contract.
The trainees follow an 8-month programme which includes classes in physical fitness, acrobatics, balancing, acting and movement as well as classes in their specialism. Since 2022, young people admitted to this class have benefited from an 8-month professionalisation contract: 25% training time, 75% professional time.
The entrance examination involves a 2-stage process:
Auditions will include:
Entry requirements:
September - July
French Language Test Level 4 (level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
Académie Fratellini
1-9 Rue des Cheminots
93210 Saint Denis La Plaine, France