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European Youth Circus Organisation

Partner member

EYCO was constituted in 2009 to serve as a forum and seeding ground for european cooperation between national youth circus networks. It is a non-profit organisation.

It was born out of the first Network of International Circus Exchange (NICE) seminar in 2005 an initial informal networking event.

EYCO is the official umbrella organisation representing all european youth circus national umbrellas.  

The organisation exists to stimulate, promote and support, on a national and european level, the process of recognising and structuring youth circus.

Aims & objectives:

  • Oversee the organisation of the annual Network of International Circus Exchange,
  • Work in collaboration with other european partners/ to research and develop basic training courses,
  • Promote exchanges and partnerships with other European and International networks,
  • Advocate for increased support for circus and physical arts education,
  • Promote and support the development and exchange of trainers/administrators in youth circus,
  • Promote and support the development of appropriate pathways into employment for young people,
  • Develops appropriate partnerships with other European networks and the wider youth context.


EYCO represents:

  • 400 schools/groups/organisations
  • 2500 teachers
  • 600000 people, who practice circus arts in a schools/groups

EYCO members:

  1. BAG Zirkuspädagogik (DEU): www.bag-zirkus.de
  2. Circomundo (NLD): www.circomundo.nl
  3. Circuscentrum (BEL, Flemish part): www.circuscentrum.be
  4. Circus Works (GBR: www.circusworks.org
  5. Dubal (DEN): www.dubal.dk
  6. Eesti Kaasaegse Tsirkuse Arenduskeskus (EST): tsirkusekeskus.ee
  7. F.E.E.C.S.E. (ESP): plataformaescuelasdecirco.wordpress.com
  8. Fédération Française des Ecoles de cirque (FRA): www.ffec.asso.fr
  9. Fédération Suisse des Ecoles de Cirque (CHE): www.fsec.ch
  10. Finnish Youth Circus Association (FIN): www.snsl.fi 
  11. Foundation Miasto Projekt (POL): www.carnival.com.pl
  12. Giocolieri e Dintorni (ITA): www.jugglingmagazine.it
  13. Österreichischer BundesVerband für Zirkuspädagogik – ÖBVZ (AUT): www.zirkusnetzwerk.at



Circus Adults Training in Europe (CATE) Basic level Teacher Training Course for Youth Workers, Circus Trainers, and the wider Youth Sector. CATE is available on www.eyco.org. Also check www.eyco.org/cate/.


EYCO is currently involved in Professionalising European Youth Circus (PEYC) Basic Level for Teachers, Trainers and Administrators.  Check www.peyc.eu


  • Americans for Arts and American Association of Physical Education, Health, Recreation, and Dance.

Learn more about this member


  • President: Wolfgang Pruisken
  • Treasurer: Alain Taillard
  • Secretary: Peter Smeets
  • Project Coordinator: Eveline Alders


European Youth Circus Association
13, rue Marceau
93100 Montreuil