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Enc Shems'y

Ecole Nationale du Cirque Shems'y de Salé

Preparatory school

FEDEC member since 2023

The Ecole Nationale du Cirque Shems'y de Salé (Shems'y National Circus School) is a project founded by AMESIP in 1999. The school uses the circus as a pedagogical tool to support children who have dropped out of school, as part of the Second Chance School program.

In 2009, ENC Shems'y became a national school, with a sandwich training program leading to a state-approved circus artist diploma. As the school's training program is based on work-study, each year it produces a show with a director working with the apprentices. The school also plays a role in cultural mediation and the dissemination of culture, particularly for populations underserved by cultural offerings. Every 2 years, the school produces the Karacena biennial to promote its shows.

  • © Ecole Nationale du Cirque Shems'y de Salé
  • © Ecole Nationale du Cirque Shems'y de Salé

Training offered

The training program is based on the principle of alternating theoretical and professional training periods. Given the lack of dedicated circus structures in Morocco, ENC Shems'y produces an annual show in collaboration with a director. The school has its own big top, the Chapiteau Mawsim, dedicated to these performances. Training generally lasts 3 years, although in some cases it can extend to 4 years.

To obtain their diploma, apprentices must validate a set of modules and present a circus act entitled "Awal Qalam" (first word) during their third year, to finalize their training. The first year is a core curriculum in which apprentices discover all the specialties before choosing the one that interests them in the 2nd year, with the option of a complementary specialty.


Admission to the school takes place over a one-week period each September. Candidates undergo a series of tests and workshops to gauge their artistic and physical abilities. At the end of the week, those selected enter the school.

Disciplines taught

  • Acrobatics
  • Chinese mast
  • Cyr wheel
  • Balance
  • Fabric
  • Straps 
  • Wire
  • Rocker
  • Smooth rope

Learn more about this member


  • Présidente de l'AMESIP et de l'Enc Shems'y : Touraya Jaïdi Bouabid
  • Directeur des études : Zakaria Benyamine
  • Chargé de production : Abdellatif Bennani Smires
  • Responsable des accroches : Imad Bouari

Academic year

From September to July

Training language

Arabic and French

Number of students per year

  • Between 5 and 10 depending on the year.


Kasbah des Gnaouas, Sidi Moussa
11060 Salé / Morocco


+212 (053) 778-0510