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Centre de les Arts del Circo Rogelio Rivel

Higher and preparatory school

FEDEC member since 2004

The Centre de les Arts del Circ Rogelio Rivel is the only vocational circus arts school in Catalonia and was founded in 1999 by professionals who wanted the region to have a vocational training structure.

Today, the Centre de les Arts del Circ Rogelio Rivel offers a preparatory diploma course and a professional diploma course (each cycle takes 2 years).

The school’s goals are:

  • The recognition of Circus Arts and circus artists,
  • Sound, high-quality training open to its regional, national and European surroundings,
  • Setting up a diploma course in Catalonia: the first level was created in 2015, the second level in 2018.
  • © Manel Sala "Ulls"
  • © Manel Sala "Ulls"

Training offered

  • Preparatory diploma course (2,000 hours over 2 years, 24 students),
  • Professional diploma course (2,000 hours over 2 years, 12 students),
  • Preparatory course for arts school entrance examination (375 hours over 1 year, 7-10 students),
  • Continuing training for artists.

Preparatory course (2 years)

The course leads to a qualification: VT – Artistic training (accredited by the Generalitat de Catalunya Department of Education) - Cicle Formatiu de Grau Mig en "Animació de Circ".

The aim of the curriculum is to train professionals who can perform circus activities, perform in public with simple circus acts and / or prepare auditions for higher education in circus arts, either in Catalonia or in other schools.

Disciplines taught: acrobatics, balance, trampoline, dance, theater. Specializations: acrobatics, balance, trampoline, aerials (trapeze, rope or Chinese pole), and Cyr wheel.

Professional course (2 years)

The course leads to a qualification: VT – Artistic training (accredited by the Generalitat de Catalunya Department of Education) - Cicle Formatiu de Grau Superior d'"Artista de Circ".

The curriculum aims to train autonomous circus artists, giving them the tools they need to carry out an individual or collective project in all its aspects: technical, artistic, and professional insertion.

Specializations: acrobatics, balance, trampoline, aerials (trapeze, rope or Chinese pole) and Cyr wheel.

  • © Manel Sala "Ulls"
  • © Manel Sala "Ulls"


For the diploma training cycles

Application form with the following documents attached.

  • Copy of ID card or passport,
  • 2 original passport photos,
  • Copy of European health insurance,
  • Certification (for preparatory course: Graduado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria - GESO or certification for the 10th year of compulsory, education. / for professional course: Bachillerato or certification for 11th and 12th year of compulsory education and Baccalaureat's Degree).

Disciplines taught

  • Acrobatics
  • Aerial
  • Dance
  • Equilibristics
  • Floor acrobatics 
  • General courses (Management, languages,…)
  • Theater
  • Trampoline
  • © Manel Sala "Ulls"
  • © Manel Sala "Ulls"

Learn more about this member

Founded in 1999


  • Direction team: Teresa. Celis, Anne Morin, Soniá Dominguez
  • Pedagogical director: Teresa Celis

Academic year

From mid-September to mid-June

Training language

Catalan, Spanish, English and French.

An elementary level in one of these languages is required.


Centre de les Arts del Circ Rogelio Rivel
c/Porlligat, 11-15
08042 Barcelona

  • © Luis Montero
  • © Manel Sala "Ulls"