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Turku Arts Academy

Turku Arts Academy at Turku University of Applied Sciences

Higher school

The aim of the education at Turku Arts Academy is to train independent and visionary circus artists and circus teachers for various environments.

The pedagogical studies included in the curriculum provide qualifications to work in basic Finnish circus arts education and in secondary education. The degree programme aims to produce circus artists and circus teachers, who think pedagogically, are capable of continuous self-assessment in their work, and thus act as promoters and developers of the circus field.

The graduate has versatile knowledge and skills in circus techniques, an artistic-pedagogical vision, and the ability to apply their expertise in the field of performing arts and art education. Additionally, they have the capability to work in diverse teaching roles and projects within the education sector, as well as in various positions related to performance and production. Graduates also have the readiness to establish their own business and utilize applied arts methods.

The circus education emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of circus art, cutting across various art disciplines. The studies focus on circus technique, artistic project work, and teaching circus. The aim is to combine the acquired technical knowledge and skills from the studies and internships with creative artistic work to achieve professionalism in the performing arts. Additionally, students acquire knowledge and skills through participation in different projects and performances, as well as teaching circus. The performance projects, pedagogical and artistic internships in circus education familiarize students with their future roles and encourage them to contribute to the development and innovation of the circus industry.

  • © Turku University
  • © Turku University

Training offered

Turku UAS offers a four-year Bachelor programme (240 ECTS) and the degree title is Theatre Instructor, Circus.

After 3 years of work experience, one can apply to complete a master´s degree programme in TUAS. The graduates get qualification to apply to MA-degree programmes.

The studies include 60 ECTS of teacher pedagogical studies.


An online application form must be filled during the application period in March in a Finnish joint application system : Opintopolku.fi.

The applicant must have the previous education (secondary level : high school/ vocational college) required for higher education studies. The application process includes a preliminary task, based on which the applicants are invited to an entrance examination. The entrance exam, which takes place in the end of May, consists of testing suitability for university studies, suitability to become a circus professional, motivation to learn, as well as physical, psychological, and social readiness to move, create movement, and share knowledge with others. In addition we are testing performance and skills.

Disciplines taught

  • Acrobatics
  • Aerial Acrobatics
  • Cyr-Wheel
  • Equilibristics
  • Handbalancing
  • Juggling and Object Manipulation
  • Pair-Acrobatics
  • Wire- Walking 

Learn more about this member


  • Head of Music and Performing Arts: Eero Linjama

  • Circus Degree Programme Manager: Minna Karesluoto

Teaching language

Finnish, English

Number of students per year



Turun Taideakatemia
Linnankatu 54–60
20100 Turku


+358 50 5985 261