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SaSak - Salpaus

Salpaus Circus Artist Education

Preparatory school

FEDEC member since 2019

Salpaus Circus Artist Education is the only vocational degree circus school in Finland.

It was founded in 1998 to be one of the tens of educations offered by the Salpaus Further Education (earlier Lahti Hands and Crafts College). In 2006, it reached its current status as a governmentally funded professional education.

The goals of the education are to help their students to become unique, creative, versatile and technically highly skilled artist with a professional attitude. A healthy ratio in humbleness, respect and self-esteem are valued highly in the education. One of the sources of success in the daily work is the utilization of the power of a group aiming towards mutual goals.

The home of SaSak is the Salpaus Circus Center located next to the city center of Lahti. Renovation of the premises during the summer 2019 added the 3rdtraining studio as well as improved social welfare facilities. Circus Center enables the training of almost all circus disciplines. The structure and the technical equipment available offers the students the possibilities to create shows and perform in a professional environment. One of the annual events in Circus Center is a unique student produced Kukko Festival which brings together audience, students and the graduates of SaSak.

Training offered

Vocational qualification in circus arts (3-years).


Terms of application:

  • Applicants are required to pass the Finnish language test (level B1).
  • It is possible to become a SaSak student only by participating in the audition.

Disciplines taught


  • Floor acrobatics
  • Acro dance
  • Trampoline
  • Bascule/Teeterboard
  • Russian bar
  • Cyr wheel
  • Russian swing
  • Chinese pole
  • Ikaros


  • Handstand
  • Hand to hand
  • Tightrope
  • Slackrope
  • Unicycle
  • Balancing ladder

Aerial acrobatics:

  • Static trapeze
  • Dance trapeze
  • Ring trapeze
  • Swing trapeze
  • Washington trapeze
  • Mini vola
  • Escarpolet
  • Cloud swing
  • Vertical rope
  • Silks
  • Aerial straps
  • Aerial cradle
  • Korean cradle

Object manipulation:

  • Ball
  • Ring
  • Club
  • Diabolo
  • Cigar boxes
  • Contact
  • Antipodism
  • Hoops

Learn more about this member 

Founded in 1998


  • Heads of Department: Jukka Juntti and Lionel Lejeune
  • Head of circus technical studies: Lionel Lejeune
  • Head of artistic studies: Salla Santanen

School year

From early August to June with a minimum of 4 weeks summer vacation..

Teaching language

One of the following required:

  • Finnish as official teaching language / language test needs to be passed (level: B1)
  • English (standard)


Salpaus Circus Artist Education
Svinhufvudinkatu 13 D
15110 Lahti


+358 44 708 0263