What are the risks of working with bodies in contexts of power relations? How can we react when we witness an abusive situation? Which spotting protocol should we put in place? So many questions were raised and lively conversations opened during this second SPEAK OUT training.
40 participants from 14 countries joined us in Théâtre-école Le Samovar in Paris (FRA) to explore the topic of body and nudity in Arts and question our training practices, consent and each of us' boundaries.
Thank you to Engagement Arts for their memorable lectures, to Balance ton Cirque for their insightful contribution, and to our partner Jump for facilitating these 3 days of training!
Download the presentations at the bottom of the page:
All documents were produced and presented by Engagement Arts (BEL).
SPEAK OUT is organized in partnership with JUMP and is co-funded by the European Commission (DAPHNE programme of the DG Justice).