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Directory of Circus Training Organisations : Europe and beyond

2008 | MIROIR project

EU project outcome

This directory of circus arts training centers (2008) was created to list as many circus arts training facilities as possible around the world.

It was produced as part of the MIROIR project, and has enabled FEDEC to broaden its perspective on the state of circus arts education worldwide, to better meet the needs of the circus milieu as a whole.

A publication of FEDEC in the context of the MIROIR project // In charge of the project at FEDEC: Philippe Haenen, Marc Lalonde, Donald Lehn, Jean-François Marguerin and Tim Roberts // Survey, editorial and administrative management: Eleanor Hadley Kershaw, Antoine Nury and Camille Vlérick // Graphic design: Émilie Anseeuw.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.